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  • 进口900X紧急关闭阀


价格: 面议








1. 设计标准:该阀门的设计应符合国家标准、行业标准和企业标准等相关规定。

2. 结构标准:该阀门的结构应符合相关标准,包括阀体、阀盖、阀门芯、密封圈等部件的设计和制造。

3. 材料标准:该阀门的材料应符合相关标准,包括阀体、阀盖、阀门芯、密封圈等部件的材料选择和制造。

4. 测试标准:该阀门应经过严格的测试,包括外观检查、尺寸检查、压力测试、密封测试等。

5. 安装标准:该阀门的安装应符合相关标准,包括阀门的位置、管道的连接方式、密封垫片的选择等。


1. 快速关闭:该阀门采用液压或气动控制方式,能够在数秒内完成关闭操作,迅速切断管道,保障设备和人员的安全。

2. 可靠密封:该阀门采用双向密封结构,能够有效防止介质泄漏,保证管道系统的安全运行。

3. 结构简单:该阀门的结构简单,维护方便,能够降低维护成本和故障率。

4. 适用范围广:该阀门适用于各种介质,包括液体、气体、蒸汽等,能够满足不同行业的需求。




1. 安装:在安装900X紧急关闭阀时,应注意以下几点:




2. 维护:在使用900X紧急关闭阀时,应注意以下几点:





1. 快速关闭:900X紧急关闭阀采用液压或气动控制方式,能够在数秒内完成关闭操作,迅速切断管道,保障设备和人员的安全。

2. 可靠密封:该阀门采用双向密封结构,能够有效防止介质泄漏,保证管道系统的安全运行。

3. 结构简单:该阀门的结构简单,维护方便,能够降低维护成本和故障率。

4. 适用范围广:该阀门适用于各种介质,包括液体、气体、蒸汽等,能够满足不同行业的需求。

5. 安装方便:该阀门的安装简单方便,能够快速接入管道系统,提高工作效率。


1. 价格较高:由于该阀门采用高-强-度材料和先进技术,价格较高,不适合低成本项目的使用。

2. 维护成本较高:由于该阀门的结构较为复杂,维护成本较高,需要专业技术人员进行维护和保养。

3. 适用范围有限:由于该阀门的结构和特点,适用范围相对有限,不能满足所有行业的需求。



900X Emergency Shut-off Valve Introduction

The 900X emergency shut-off valve is a type of valve used to quickly shut off pipelines in emergency situations. It is commonly used in pipeline systems in industries such as petroleum, chemical, and natural gas. The valve features fast closing, reliable sealing, and a simple structure, which can quickly cut off the pipeline in an emergency to ensure the safety of equipment and personnel.

Standards for 900X Emergency Shut-off Valve

The standards for the 900X emergency shut-off valve mainly include the following aspects:

1. Design standards: The valve's design should comply with national standards, industry standards, and enterprise standards.

2. Structural standards: The valve's structure should comply with relevant standards, including the design and manufacture of valve body, valve cover, valve core, sealing ring, and other components.

3. Material standards: The valve's materials should comply with relevant standards, including the selection and manufacture of valve body, valve cover, valve core, sealing ring, and other components.

4. Testing standards: The valve should undergo strict testing, including visual inspection, dimensional inspection, pressure testing, sealing testing, and so on.

5. Installation standards: The valve's installation should comply with relevant standards, including the valve's position, pipeline connection method, and gasket selection.

Features of 900X Emergency Shut-off Valve

1. Fast closing: The valve uses hydraulic or pneumatic control, which can complete the closing operation in seconds, quickly cut off the pipeline, and ensure the safety of equipment and personnel.

2. Reliable sealing: The valve adopts a bidirectional sealing structure, which can effectively prevent medium leakage and ensure the safe operation of the pipeline system.

3. Simple structure: The valve has a simple structure, which is easy to maintain and can reduce maintenance costs and failure rates.

4. Wide application range: The valve is suitable for various media, including liquids, gases, steam, and can meet the needs of different industries.

Applications of 900X Emergency Shut-off Valve

The 900X emergency shut-off valve is widely used in pipeline systems in industries such as petroleum, chemical, and natural gas, mainly for emergency pipeline cutting operations. For example, when the pipeline system has a leak, explosion, or other dangerous situation, the valve can be controlled to quickly cut off the pipeline to avoid accidents.

Installation and Maintenance of 900X Emergency Shut-off Valve

1. Installation: When installing the 900X emergency shut-off valve, the following points should be noted:

(1) Select a suitable location: The valve should be installed in the most dangerous position in the pipeline system to quickly cut off the pipeline in an emergency.

