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GM High Vacuum Diaphragm Valve




The GM High Vacuum Diaphragm Valve is a high-performance valve designed for use in high vacuum applications. It is manufactured by Mcville Industrial Group, a leading manufacturer of vacuum valves and components. The valve is designed to provide reliable and efficient performance in a wide range of applications, including semiconductor manufacturing, research and development, and industrial vacuum systems.




The GM High Vacuum Diaphragm Valve features a number of advanced design features that make it ideal for use in high vacuum applications. These features include:


1. High Vacuum Performance: The valve is designed to provide high vacuum performance, with a leak rate of less than 1x10-9 mbar l/s.

1. 高真空性能:该阀门旨在提供高真空性能,泄漏率小于1x10-9 mbar l/s。

2. High Flow Capacity: The valve has a high flow capacity, with a maximum conductance of up to 6000 l/s.

2. 高流量能力:该阀门具有高流量能力,最大导流能力可达6000 l/s。

3. Low Particle Generation: The valve is designed to minimize particle generation, with a cleanroom-compatible design.

3. 低颗粒生成:该阀门旨在最小化颗粒生成,具有洁净室兼容设计。

4. Easy Maintenance: The valve is designed for easy maintenance, with a simple and robust design that allows for easy disassembly and cleaning.

4. 易于维护:该阀门旨在易于维护,具有简单而坚固的设计,可轻松拆卸和清洁。

5. High Temperature Resistance: The valve is designed to withstand high temperatures, with a maximum operating temperature of up to 150°C.

5. 高温抗性:该阀门旨在承受高温,最-高-工作温度可达150°C。

6. Corrosion Resistance: The valve is designed to resist corrosion, with a variety of materials available for the valve body and diaphragm.

6. 耐腐蚀性:该阀门旨在抵抗腐蚀,阀体和隔膜有多种材料可供选择。

7. Compact Design: The valve has a compact design, making it ideal for use in tight spaces.

7. 紧凑设计:该阀门具有紧凑的设计,非常适用于狭小的空间。



The GM High Vacuum Diaphragm Valve is suitable for a wide range of high vacuum applications, including:


1. Semiconductor Manufacturing: The valve is ideal for use in semiconductor manufacturing, where high vacuum performance and low particle generation are critical.

1. 半导体制造:该阀门非常适用于半导体制造,高真空性能和低颗粒生成是至关重要的。

2. Research and Development: The valve is suitable for use in research and development applications, where high vacuum performance and easy maintenance are important.

2. 研究和开发:该阀门适用于研究和开发应用,高真空性能和易于维护是重要的。

3. Industrial Vacuum Systems: The valve is suitable for use in a wide range of industrial vacuum systems, where high vacuum performance and reliability are important.

3. 工业真空系统:该阀门适用于各种工业真空系统,高真空性能和可靠性是重要的。



The GM High Vacuum Diaphragm Valve is available in a variety of materials, including:


1. Stainless Steel: The valve body and diaphragm can be made from stainless steel, which provides excellent corrosion resistance and high temperature resistance.

1. 不锈钢:阀体和隔膜可以采用不锈钢制成,具有优-异-的耐腐蚀性和高温抗性。

2. Aluminum: The valve body can be made from aluminum, which provides a lightweight and cost-effective option.

2. 铝:阀体可以采用铝制成,提供轻便和经济的选择。

3. Titanium: The valve body and diaphragm can be made from titanium, which provides excellent corrosion resistance and high temperature resistance.

3. 钛:阀体和隔膜可以采用钛制成,具有优-异-的耐腐蚀性和高温抗性。

4. Hastelloy: The valve body and diaphragm can be made from Hastelloy, which provides excellent corrosion resistance in harsh environments.

4. 哈氏合金:阀体和隔膜可以采用哈氏合金制成,在恶劣环境中具有优-异-的耐腐蚀性。



The GM High Vacuum Diaphragm Valve is a high-performance valve designed for use in high vacuum applications. It is manufactured by Mcville Industrial Group, a leading manufacturer of vacuum valves and components. The valve features a number of advanced design features that make it ideal for use in a wide range of applications, including semiconductor manufacturing, research and development, and industrial vacuum systems. With a variety of materials available for the valve body and diaphragm, the GM High Vacuum Diaphragm Valve can be customized to meet the specific needs of any application.

