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  • 进口自由浮球式疏水阀


价格: 面议





Mcville Industrial Group's Free Float Ball Type Steam Trap


Mcville Industrial Group is a professional manufacturer of steam traps. Its self-developed Free Float Ball Type Steam Trap is a high-efficiency and reliable steam trap product. The product adopts advanced free float ball structure design, which can quickly and accurately remove condensate water in the pipeline, ensuring the normal operation of the pipeline system. Below we will introduce the product in detail.


Product Features

1. 自由浮球式结构设计,能够快速、准确地排除管道中的凝结水,避免管道堵塞。

1. Free float ball structure design can quickly and accurately remove condensate water in the pipeline, avoiding pipeline blockage.

2. 采用优质不锈钢材料制造,具有耐腐蚀、耐高温、耐磨损等优点,使用寿命长。

2. Made of high-quality stainless steel materials, it has the advantages of corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance, wear resistance, etc., and has a long service life.

3. 疏水阀内部采用特殊的密封结构设计,能够有效防止漏气、漏水等现象。

3. The special sealing structure design inside the steam trap can effectively prevent air leakage, water leakage and other phenomena.

4. 产品具有自动排放凝结水的功能,无需人工干预,节省人力成本。

4. The product has the function of automatic discharge of condensate water, which does not require manual intervention and saves labor costs.

5. 疏水阀的排水量大,能够满足不同管道系统的需求。

5. The steam trap has a large drainage capacity, which can meet the needs of different pipeline systems.

6. 产品安装简单,维护方便,能够有效降低管道系统的维护成本。

6. The product is easy to install and maintain, which can effectively reduce the maintenance cost of the pipeline system.

7. 产品符合国际标准,具有优-异-的性能和可靠性,广泛应用于石油、化工、电力、制药等行业。

7. The product meets international standards, has excellent performance and reliability, and is widely used in industries such as petroleum, chemical, power, pharmaceutical, etc.


Product Advantages

1. 高-效-排水:自由浮球式结构设计,能够快速、准确地排除管道中的凝结水,避免管道堵塞。

1. Efficient drainage: Free float ball structure design can quickly and accurately remove condensate water in the pipeline, avoiding pipeline blockage.

2. 耐腐蚀、耐高温:采用优质不锈钢材料制造,具有耐腐蚀、耐高温、耐磨损等优点,使用寿命长。

2. Corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance: Made of high-quality stainless steel materials, it has the advantages of corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance, wear resistance, etc., and has a long service life.

3. 自动排放:产品具有自动排放凝结水的功能,无需人工干预,节省人力成本。

3. Automatic discharge: The product has the function of automatic discharge of condensate water, which does not require manual intervention and saves labor costs.

4. 安装简单、维护方便:产品安装简单,维护方便,能够有效降低管道系统的维护成本。

4. Easy installation and maintenance: The product is easy to install and maintain, which can effectively reduce the maintenance cost of the pipeline system.

5. 优-异-的性能和可靠性:产品符合国际标准,具有优-异-的性能和可靠性,广泛应用于石油、化工、电力、制药等行业。

5. Excellent performance and reliability: The product meets international standards, has excellent performance and reliability, and is widely used in industries such as petroleum, chemical, power, pharmaceutical, etc.


Product Application


The imported free float ball type steam trap is widely used in the pipeline systems of industries such as petroleum, chemical, power, pharmaceutical, etc., mainly used to discharge condensate water in the pipeline to ensure the normal operation of the pipeline system. Specific application scenarios include:

1. 石油行业:用于石油加工、输送、储存等环节的管道系统中。

1. Petroleum industry: Used in pipeline systems for petroleum processing, transportation, storage, etc.

2. 化工行业:用于化工生产、储运等环节的管道系统中。

2. Chemical industry: Used in pipeline systems for chemical production, storage and transportation, etc.

3. 电力行业:用于电力生产、输送、供热等环节的管道系统中。

3. Power industry: Used in pipeline systems for power generation, transmission, heating, etc.

4. 制药行业:用于制药生产、输送等环节的管道系统中。

4. Pharmaceutical industry: Used in pipeline systems for pharmaceutical production, transportation, etc.




