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  • 进口内螺纹Y型过滤器


价格: 面议





Mcville Industrial Group's Imported Internal Thread Y-Type Filter Product Introduction


Mcville Industrial Group is a professional manufacturer of filters, with products covering various types of filters, including imported internal thread Y-type filters. This product is an efficient filter that can be used to filter various liquids and gases, with good filtering effect and long service life.



1. 进口内螺纹Y型过滤器采用高质量的不锈钢材料制造,具有良好的耐腐蚀性和耐高温性能。

1. The imported internal thread Y-type filter is made of high-quality stainless steel material, which has good corrosion resistance and high temperature resistance.

2. 该产品采用Y型结构设计,具有良好的过滤效果,可有效过滤杂质和颗粒物。

2. The product adopts Y-type structure design, which has good filtering effect and can effectively filter impurities and particles.

3. 产品采用内螺纹连接方式,安装方便,可与管道连接紧密,不易泄漏。

3. The product adopts internal thread connection method, which is easy to install, can be closely connected with the pipeline, and is not easy to leak.

4. 该产品可根据客户需求定制不同规格和材质的过滤器,满足不同行业的需求。

4. The product can be customized with different specifications and materials of filters according to customer needs, to meet the needs of different industries.


Application fields:

1. 化工行业:用于过滤各种化学品、溶剂、酸碱液等。

1. Chemical industry: used for filtering various chemicals, solvents, acids and alkalis.

2. 食品行业:用于过滤各种食品、饮料、果汁等。

2. Food industry: used for filtering various foods, beverages, juices, etc.

3. 制药行业:用于过滤各种药品、生物制品、医用气体等。

3. Pharmaceutical industry: used for filtering various drugs, biological products, medical gases, etc.

4. 电子行业:用于过滤各种电子元器件、半导体材料、纳米材料等。

4. Electronics industry: used for filtering various electronic components, semiconductor materials, nano materials, etc.

5. 石油化工行业:用于过滤各种石油化工产品、润滑油、燃料等。

5. Petrochemical industry: used for filtering various petrochemical products, lubricants, fuels, etc.

6. 污水处理行业:用于过滤各种污水、废水、污泥等。

6. Sewage treatment industry: used for filtering various sewage, wastewater, sludge, etc.

7. 其他行业:用于过滤各种液体和气体,如空气、水、油、气等。

7. Other industries: used for filtering various liquids and gases, such as air, water, oil, gas, etc.




Imported internal thread Y-type filter is an efficient filter with good filtering effect and long service life, which can be widely used in chemical, food, pharmaceutical, electronic, petrochemical, sewage treatment and other industries. The imported internal thread Y-type filter manufactured by Mcville Industrial Group is made of high-quality stainless steel material, which has good corrosion resistance and high temperature resistance. It can be customized with different specifications and materials of filters according to customer needs, to meet the needs of different industries.

